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Our Local Committees

Local governance is provided by each school’s Local Governance Committee, who focus on the school’s ethos, standards and relationship with the local community. They also provide support and challenge to the school’s leadership team.

Working together, Local Governance Committee Members and the Trustees provide support and challenge to headteachers and school leaders to promote the highest possible standards and continual improvement.

Being a Local Governance Committee Member is a rewarding and effective way of making a voluntary contribution to your community and to the lives of children and young people within it. Local Governance Committee Members live or work in the community served by one of our schools and have a keen interest in the school's success.

What is a Local Governance Committee Member?

Each of our schools has a Local Governance Committee Member who focus on the school’s ethos, standards and relationship with the local community. They also provide support and challenge to the school’s leadership team.

Who can be a Local Governance Committee Member?

Anyone with the time, energy and commitment to make a difference to their community. We particularly welcome local business people and individuals with skills or experience in areas such as educational standards, safeguarding, human resources, health & safety and marketing. Selection is based on the completion of an application form and skills audit, and a short interview with the Chair of the Local Committee of the school in question.

What does it involve?

As a Local Committee Member, you would be expected to commit to at least one meeting per half term, usually from 6 pm to 8 pm, attend relevant training and occasionally complete a visit during the school day. Teamwork, enthusiasm, and the ability to ask questions listen, and learn also play a big part.

If you are interested in becoming a Local Committee Member please contact  Ms K Hardy at khardy@sfaet.co.uk

Read more about our Committee Members and what it means to them to be a Committee Member below:


Janet Farrow - Chair of the Local Committee at The Royal Liberty School

Janet FarrowI am very proud to be the Chair of the Royal Liberty School Local Committee and be part of a school with such a rich history. I can still remember visiting RLS with my older brother 50 years ago, after he had passed his 11+ exam - the teachers in their mortar boards and capes and grand buildings left an impression!

I became a parent governor shortly after my son joined the school in 2014. Since then, it has been a wonderful journey being part of an effective Local Committee supporting the students, staff and all stakeholders in improving the quality of education and opportunities for the young men in our care.

Being part of SFAET has enabled us to work collaboratively across the schools in the Trust, sharing good practice to ensure our students achieve the highest possible levels of personal success. My career has always been in childcare in a range of settings from a Local Authority children's home to a preparatory boarding school.

Currently, I am working in a primary school supporting EAL students, where I am also a co-opted governor. The Local Committee members are looking forward to working with the new headteacher and continuing with the good working relationship we have with all the staff and students. We will continue supporting the school as we all strive to become an outstanding school.

Local Committee members:

Janet Farrow (Chair); Gordon Humphrey; Tracy Jelliss; Joanne Higgins; David Bower; Craig Evason (staff); Jurek Jacyna (staff)

Tina Murray - Chair of the Local Committee at Redden Court School

Tina MurrayMy name is Tina Murray and my involvement in the school began in 2013 when my son started at the school and I was appointed to the then Governing Body as a Parent Governor. I had already been and continue to be a Governor of a local Primary School and I loved being able to give something back to the local community. Having a child at the school I was therefore fortunate to witness first hand the excellent education and support that the school offers to all its students and fully commits to the ethos of "committed to success for all".

It was therefore a huge privilege to be appointed Chair of the Local Governing Body in November 2017 and to continue as a Trust Appointed Governor. My background is originally in the world of Finance, International Banking and Dealing in which I had a fulfilling career, albeit a little hectic at times.

We have a really strong Local Committee at Redden Court, from all backgrounds and different skills, working together as a team. We all share a common objective in that we work in partnership with all members of staff, Parents, Carers and Students to ensure that every child can succeed and reach their full potential and get the education they all deserve.

I am immensely proud of the reputation of this school and its high standards and will continue to ensure that the school remains accountable for the decisions that are made for the Students and wider community.

Local Committee members:

Tina Murray (Chair); Robert West (Vice Chair); Simon Dickson; Steven Ince; Patrick Maswaya; Latoya Williams; Candice Henry; Michael Dyer; Nikki Banyward; Colin Mitchell; Jonathan Coles; Hannah Webster

Richard Cunningham - Chair of Local Committee at Sanders Draper School

Richard CunninghamI personally become involved with Sanders Draper School in 2014 when my daughter first came to the school, with my son following a few years later. In that time, I have seen my children, their friends and their peers become well-rounded and well-educated yound adults. I have seen many great changes in the last couple of years with the introduction of a new Headteacher, along with the strengthening of the full teaching staff and wanted to offer my full support to them. Various members of my family have attended the school over a period of 60 years, and I felt it was now time to pay back my thanks to the school which has played a part in my family's lives over so many years.

I started my career in Finance and Investment working for some of the world's leading investment companies. For over 15 years now, I have been the Business and Wealth Manager for a private family helping run their property and Peer to Peer bridging loan companies, amongst other roles as and when needed.

I believe that the Local Committee at Sanders Draper School can work alongside and the Headteacher and outstanding staff to continually improve the education and life skills of our young adults in our school, and to give them the best possible start to the rest of their lives. After all this isn't just a school, it's a family!

Local Committee members:

Richard Cunningham (Chair); Warren Barley (Vice Chair); Sana Essid; Stacey Morris; Claire Shayle; Pam Robertson; Grace Agate-Bacon; Lisa Pomfrett

Samantha D'Ath - Chair of Local Committee at Rise Park Academies

Samantha D'Ath I first took the role of school governor at Rise Park in 2015. Three of my own children were at the school at that time which meant I was heavily invested in the positive development of Rise Park from the very beginning of my involvement. My professional background and experience is in accounting and I have extensive account and bookkeeping experience. I previously worked in London before transitioning to a role more locally to ensure better work-family life balance. I grew up in Havering and have always lived nearby which contributes to my interest in Rise Park.

Becoming a governor has been a lovely way to get involved in the school community. I am always made to feel very welcome when I come to the school by both staff members and pupils alike. After many years as a governor and then as a Vice Chair in 2021 I was delighted to be elected as the Chair of Governors at Rise Park and it is my pleasure to devote my time and skillset to the role. I am pleased to be supported by my fellow committee members and look forward to working alongside Chairs of other schools in the Trust to continue building a bright and outstanding future for Success for All Educational Trust.